Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Anybody reading this, please forgive the various typos.
I was so sleepy(as is obvious) but really had to pin all this down, before it goes away from my system.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

ASSIGNMENTS - ????????

This is a race to the finish line for the first person who finishes the assignment.
I enjoyed it thoroughly. The number of sleepless nights that I used to figure out each qestion of the assignment. There is sheer joy in doing these. May be, hindsight wise I should have continued my education rather than opt for a job after my degree. But I had Anand at that time and I would have had to dance to his tunes(anyway that is my usuall ranting, I do not want that to take over now).
When you sacrifice something you really gain something else, I sacrifised my sleep to get the right answers to most of the questions. I was really elated when I was at the print shop to print my assignment. There are so many things I learnt and so many I failed.
Assignments make you study certain areas in the subject. The institute is merely looking at it may be as part of a requirement set forth in some rule . The student their customer is completely non existent.
The following is the ASSIGNMENT MODEL
1. giving marks as internal
2. Some freebie's to the student who may come questioning as to why is has flunked his exams
3. what was the procedure followed nothing that is notable or commendable
3. Did the faculty help in making the students complete the assignment A BIG NO
4. The dates kept moving I don;t know whose request was getting accomodated.
5. Assignment should not be less than n number of pages - the hypocracy come alive very much in this statement. Are the marks and number of pages co-related ?
6. If you submit ssignment hand written you get more marks. I called the previous one hypocracy then I should call this ........................(please fill in).


But, we are indians we are more interested in procedures and policies and not the real outcome.
Here are some suggestions to make make every student participate in the assignment and the institute wants orginal work from the students

1. split each batch into groups equal to the number of subjects.
2. Let the groups pick what subject they would like to do their asignment on
3. Give them the questions
4. Time frame would be to submit the assignment one week before the exams
5. In this way we are providing the students with an oppertunity to perform and not to copy others work
6. He has to perform because the internal marks of other students will suffer if he does not perforn well.
7. From the faculties view point the number of assignments will be equal to the number of batches and the institute can realistically expect the faculties to correct the assignment.
8. This will be another incentive to the student to not copy some others work.

I have no approach to get these ideas to the institute nor are they going sincerely understand and follow. I am not saying this is the only solution but this is a nice start to make the student work for the assignment rather than piggy back on somebody 's work.

I am not Gandhi to follow Ahimsa as the principle to change the institute.


Does DISTANCE EDUCATION mean it is just waste of time ?
That is the general feeling I am getting after sitting in class for 12 weekends.
I do not know why the institute cannot raise the number of sessions that students attend. The students also have to understand that they have come here to study/learn or acquire some knowledge. Ofcourse we missed the bus during our early years( when we should have studied) and we are trying to make it up now. This is our second chance we atleast need to put an effort to atleast GAIN what we lost during our initial years. The students have to be a more realistic and practical. Each one has paid a lot of money, to get here why can't they take the next step. They have knocked on the door, the door has opened they are refusing to get inside.

I am not sure what is stopping them from entering an opened door.

Is it the fear of hardwork, or fear of some unkonwn. WHY ? WHY? WHY ?
You are doing it to yourself and onto others who want to achieve something out of this.

I think we can keep aside the money they spend,effort and all other things what about the 12 weeks that you lost if you have not gained anything. May you could have been better off doing something else rather than sitting in the class for 12 long weekend. If this froth bets removed then we could definitely have a better model for distance education.

I am sorry I have to write this because, if the numbers reduce then we would have meaning full class sizes and hence lesser batches and hence better standard for the course that we are undertaking.
In this case the number game will come to spoil sport and the institute may not conduct these courses or it may become a bit more expensive but atleast there will be some value for the time that we are spending.

Distance education with a laid back approach is not good at all we are making more inefficient managers and business administrators. Like the IT industry is ranting there are lot of engineers but the readily employable engineers are very less. This is due to the various other reasons that would need another blog .

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Second Week

This week was also fun we did a lot of interesting things. Atleast four people agree that communication skills class is something that we are not very happy about definitely it can be conducted in a better way.

We got books for three subjects. . All the material for this book is being sourced from different books. But when you put it together you loose the continuity. Insted the institute can give us the books that they have prescribed as their text book in the syllabus. A way out would be for the institute to loan the various books prescribed as text book and reference books to each batch as a reference copy. This way the students have something to fall back upon in the event the book and the notes taken during class lecture are not adequate while studying. All students might not have access to the web when he/she is preparing for the exam all the time. I have been asking the rep about using the on-line library but I don't think he ever did anything about. I should get into the act myself.

This week I am going to work on accounting and probability and the week ends I am going to work on the theory subjects. This should ensure that I am ready for the 3 rd unit by the month end.
Thins to do would be to start collecting material for the assignments and also question bank for the various subjects.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

MBA @ Distance mode

It was fun to go back to the college once again. The classes started on time sharp at 9.00 am.
We had management accounting first. It was cool she was able to speak ex-tempo about the topics. I am still trying to figure out which part of the syllabus she is trying to cover. A distance education mode class should be handled very differently from a regular class. We have students from all walks of life, so the teacher has a higher responsibility of getting everybody upto speed on the topics. Ultimately the students have to get preparred for the semester exams. Right now the way they are teaching the theory classes it would be extremely difficult to catch up with the syllabus.
The approach the faculty have to take would be to have the students go thru the topics on the CD for that week. Spend time discussing the various salient , important and super important topics with the class. There should also be time allocated to inform us of the various tips and tricks the examnier would use in setting up the various questions on the unit covered for that particular day. The class should be used as a vehicle to give ample inputs to the students to prepare for exams and for studying on their own.

The institute should also give the prescribed books, rather then trying to do a cut and paste job and perpare their own material.

The other thing I find is that we are made to write down a lot of things. this is wasting our time.